Rock On!! is an Hindi movie released in 2008. The story revolves around four boys who form a rock band called Magik in their early twenties, and hope to make a mark in music. However after winning a music competition difference of opinion crops up and they split up.
The scene then shifts to ten years later when all the four of them are engrossed in their respective occupation and lose contact with each other. The singer of the band Aditya, becomes an investment banker and immerses himself totally into his work without finding any time for himself or his family. The drummer KD, looks after his father's business. The lead guitarist Joe is relatively poor(monetarily) and earns his living by performing at weddings. The keyboard player make his living by composing music for ads.
When they are made to meet up by Sakshee, the wife of the singer, they agree to team up again. While leading up to an musical event, they learn that their keyboard player Rob is suffering from brain tumour and is dying. Initially Joe does not turn up for the contest as his wife urges him to go elsewhere to a job which pays well. But after hearing his friends perform the song he composed on the radio, he returns to the band. They perform another song, which turns out to be their last performance together as Rob dies a couple of months later.
This movie makes people to remember their young carefree days and urges them to follow their dreams. The music composed by the famous trio of Shankar-Eshaan-Loy is really excellent and is topping the charts. The film is realy a must watch as it is well constructed and presented. In short, Rock On really Rockzzzz.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Rock On!! - Really Rockz
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